University of the People opens course registration for students over a 3-week period every term. Course registration dates can be found on the University of the People Academic Calendar on our website and at the beginning of this catalog. Registration for courses is available on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Apart from a student’s first term at UoPeople, students themselves register for their courses using the online course registration system, and registration must be completed by the dates listed in the Academic Calendar. For further information regarding registration, please contact
Course Registration at UoPeople takes place in the Self-Services Portal at:
Registration Guidelines
Graduate Students may enroll in up to 4 courses per term. The following registration restrictions apply to both Foundations Graduate students and Degree Seeking Graduate students:
- Graduate Students who maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥ 3.75 may register for up to four (4) courses per term.
- Graduate students who maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥ 2.50 and ≤ 3.74 may register for up to two (2) courses per term.
- Graduate Students on Academic Warning and/or have a CGPA below 2.50 may only register and/or be enrolled in one (1) course per term.
Students whose CGPA falls at the end of a given term to below the minimum CGPA required to be enrolled in the allowed number of courses for the following term, will be required to cancel courses by the first day of the term. Those who fail to meet the requirement to reduce their course load according to the stated policy will be automatically removed from any excess courses by the Office of Student Services.
Students whose CGPA improves at the end of a given term, which would otherwise allow them to register for additional courses for the next term, will not be able to add additional courses during late registration. They will be required to wait until registration opens during the 5th week of the following term to register for the additional number of allowed courses.
Notes on the Registration Process
The University of the People endeavors to fulfill all registration requests. In considering how many courses to take each term, students are reminded that they should carefully consider their other time commitments outside of the University when building their schedules, as each course requires a minimum of 15 hours of study per week; budgeting up to 17 hours a week per course is highly advisable.
Late Registration
A few days before each academic term begins, UoPeople opens a late registration period. Students should be aware that a limited number of courses are offered during late registration; therefore, students are discouraged from relying on the late registration period to register for courses.
Late Course Registration dates are listed on the Academic Calendar published above; registration takes place in the Self-Services Portal with the same guidelines and procedures as during the regular registration period.