The Study Process and Student Responsibilities
All learning takes place online, and students are expected to comply fully with the instructions in the course syllabus and to participate actively in required discussion forums by posting responses to questions and comments posted by Course Instructors and other students. Students are encouraged to seek clarification and assistance from other students as well as their Course Instructors to enhance the learning experience in each course.
New Student Orientation – UoPeople Graduate Preview UNIV 0001
The University’s required new student orientation program, UNIV 0001, introduces new students to UoPeople’s Campus “Moodle” as well as to the opportunities, responsibilities, and resources that exist for all students at the University.
Orientation is set up as a mini-course, and helps students to gain an understanding of UoPeople’s academic setting and study process.
Completion of Orientation is required. If Orientation is not completed prior to the cutoff, enrollment is deferred to the next term and will continue to be deferred (for no more than 5 terms (1 year)) until complete.
The Term Schedule
Courses take place over a nine-week term in Moodle. Each term has eight weekly learning units and a four-day period for submission of end of term final projects. Students are advised to check their course syllabus and the UoPeople Academic Calendar for important deadlines at the end of the term.
The University terms are divided into Learning Weeks and all work for a particular unit must be completed within that Learning Week. There are no specific times when a student must be logged on to study, nor are students obligated to attend a course session at any specific time during the study week.
The Learning Week starts at midnight between Wednesday and Thursday [more precisely, on Thursday at 12:05 am UoPeople Time (GMT-5 time zone)] and ends on the following Wednesday at 11:55pm UoPeople Time (GMT-5 time zone). All of the weekly study units are made available on day one of the course, but assignments can only be submitted during the learning week that they are due. This allows students to work ahead if needed. Note that all reference to time in the study process and schedule is according to University of the People Time (GMT- 5 time zone).

Being a part of UoPeople means that I am a part of a giant community with wonderful, unique, and great people from all over the world
Dragana Jelic
Education Student, United Arab Emirates