Leave of Absence (LOA)
Students not planning to register for classes during an upcoming term are required to request a leave of absence (LOA) via the UoPeople Portal (https://students.uopeople.edu/login.aspx) using the online form. Students have until one (1) week before the term begins to make this request.[22]
Students cannot apply for a leave of absence after the term begins, and do not need to apply for a leave of absence if they drop and/or withdraw and/or are granted an administrative course withdrawal from all courses during a term; it will be counted as an inactive term for the student.
Students are encouraged to learn and comply with all LOA procedures; failure to comply with the LOA policy is grounds for University administrative actions including administrative withdrawal from UoPeople.
Students may be granted an administrative leave if they did not register for courses nor did they apply for a leave of absence, but they are still entitled to additional leaves under the inactive policy above.
Notes about a Leave of Absence
- Questions about applying for a LOA may be directed to a student’s personal Program Advisor.
- Any approved leave of absence from the University will be revoked for students who are dismissed or suspended.
- Students granted a leave of absence while on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Probation Continued will return to their studies with the same status.
- Students returning from an academic or disciplinary suspension are eligible to request a leave of absence before returning to their studies.
Special note to Graduating Students on Applying for a LOA:
Before the end of the registration period during the term in which they will complete all requirements for the degree, students should apply for a LOA for the upcoming term and for each subsequent term until their degree is conferred by the University.
[21] The University reserves the right to request supporting documentation for any leave of absence. University of the People’s decision to grant or refuse a request for a leave of absence will be final and binding.