UnderGraduate catalog: 2024/25

Romantic and Kinship Relationship Policy

University of the People is committed to professionalism in all aspects of its operations and strives for an environment free from concerns about preferential treatment, conflicts of interest, lack of objectivity, or favoritism. The University community benefits from having members from the same family affiliated with the institution; however, situations where one family member has direct influence over another’s educational or work activities or conditions of employment are inappropriate.

It is the policy of the University that:

    1. No instructional, mentoring or administrative personnel, whether serving as a volunteer or receiving honoraria or compensation, shall have a consensual romantic or sexual relationship with any UoPeople student prior to the student’s completion of all degrees.
    2. No instructional, mentoring or administrative personnel shall exercise academic or professional authority over any student with whom he or she has previously had a consensual romantic or sexual relationship; these prior or existing relationships should be immediately disclosed.
    3. No instructional, mentoring or administrative personnel, whether serving as a volunteer or receiving honoraria or compensation, shall exercise academic or professional authority over someone affiliated with University of the People with whom that person has or has had a kinship or consensual romantic or sexual relationship; these prior or existing relationships should be immediately disclosed.

Further information on this policy may be found on the policies page of the institution’s website.