Financial Assistance and Scholarships
UoPeople offers a number of options to help those in need of financial assistance. Students and accepted applicants who anticipate needing financial assistance with Assessment Fees are directed to the Financial Aid Office and may apply for a full or partial Scholarship once accepted to UoPeople as a student, or at a later date during their studies. Scholarships for Assessment Fees are not automatically awarded.
Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the scholarships that are available. Note that the availability and conditions of the scholarships may be subject to change and other scholarships may become available throughout the academic year. Students are encouraged to check the UoPeople website for updates on scholarship opportunities. Further information about these opportunities can be found at
There are different types of scholarships available at UoPeople; students are eligible to apply for one scholarship at a time and may reapply for a scholarship if previously denied.
Students who accept any of the Scholarship options should refer to the specific terms and conditions pertaining to their scholarship for further information. Preference in awarding financial assistance may be granted to students pursuing an Associate’s Degree at UoPeople.
Notes about Scholarships
- UoPeople does not generally award scholarships to accepted applicants or students who have previously earned a degree from any post-secondary college or university.
- Students are expected to maintain good academic standing with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 in order to retain their scholarship support. Students whose CGPA falls below a 2.00 and are placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Probation Continued will be allowed to retain their scholarship support.
- Scholarships will be revoked for students who are suspended from UoPeople, and those students will need to reapply when they return to good standing.
- Students dismissed from UoPeople forfeit all previously awarded scholarship funds. Those who return to the University at a later date, by requesting reinstatement or applying for academic renewal, and who require financial assistance will be required to reapply for financial assistance.
- Students who have voluntarily withdrawn from UoPeople relinquish all claims to any scholarship support that had been previously awarded to them.

My most memorable moment at #UoPeople happened when I was given a scholarship
Ekpemandu C.
Health Science Student, Nigeria